let the runner run
open runners so far:
while it is true that a substantial amount of winnings come from runners,
the even larger benefit of leaving runners alone is psychological in nature.
lets say you were hoping to go long this week on BTC but it traded a larger retracement you expected
Slight discomfort might set in seeing the rest of the market rally and a possible misread of the BTC market could occur due to crypto favoritism
this could in turn cause possible trading errors
instead if you are holding runners in bitcoin and the following is just the last 4 years, any FOMO or otherwise trading non conducive emotion is quickly vanished just reading through your entry prices of these runners you have exposed:
please indulge me in this exercise and read for yourself the entry prices of the runners of the sheet above and pretend this is your portfolio
as a result it should diminish the value of an individual trade or individual turning point in this asset class
it allows for a clear view of markets as a whole now assuming you have such runners in all of your portfolio
this yet another example on how far the quad exit really reaches and how beneficial such an approach is