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How to gain control over all your processes

Part 1

final execution stages have refined individualized processes that are rule based to avoid data density, loops and otherwise stress inducing mental hurdles that make accurate execution cumbersome or impossible.

make no mistake though, no matter how well a countdown list is orchestrated on paper one still might fool oneself and skip certain steps since the subconscious focus might be on a specific item

if for example your final step on your countdown list would be reading the tape for entry optimization of fading a move it be an easy mistake to skip the last prior scanning steps to avoid being late for the tape in case subconsciously reading the tape has a priority ranking based on fear of missing out

I developed for myself a bridge to ensure a homogeneous way to never miss any of the last ten verification steps or better said to condition a workable process protocol where one can see and measure after the fact if one actually followed ones goal setting and if flawed execution is present to improve ones performance near the physical location of the trade execution click filed on my computer screen I have a small field of an excel sheet open and have ten fields open where each one represents a task-there is a function in excel where the mere click of a field changes the color of this field

I click each field numbered 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 only if the task at hand is actually done like scanning a indi or osci or checking for volume or time of day or count bars for 60 min double bottom qualification and so on and the red fields are changed to green-

the final rule is that only if the entire excel sheet is green execution is a go

the underlying psychological idea here is to gain control over all your processes and create working time models form your conceptual mind maps to train to actually do what you set out to be doing and not just find yourself in loops of broken promises that deplete your self-confidence

Part 2

You might have many lists and may be even have to do's scheduled and principles extracted but the key to consistent growth is to first make these lengthy findings digestible by your brain in a fashion for all aspects being absorbed and available by your subconscious

mind maps are the closest form of representation that mimics our minds setup

the following is an example of a summary mindmap for daily ES scalping from twenty years ago that i created for myself:

while the sheet contains specific to my system and specific to my mental makeup instructions and has somewhat a time sequence from up to down and left to right, it will never lead to an improved version of yourself with its lack of accountability on where you are making your mistakes

as described in part one of this article you need as refined as possible time sequence process models with a possibility of a self check on where your subconscious might trick you or rules fail you due to conflicts-time restraints or otherwise presented obstacles that make you fail in a "flawless' execution

only when ones behavior conditioning is getting scrutinized like this results improve and as much as this is a lengthy and cumbersome process once principle based behavior for markets are conditioned they stick and sheets tend to get smaller and more compact and one feels more at ease in the otherwise counterintuitive markets


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